Four free registrations to EC’11 for students

Thanks to a generous donation from Google, we are offering four free registrations for students to attend the 2011 ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC’11) in San Jose.

To apply, please email David Pennock and Yoav Shoham by Wednesday May 11, 2011, with subject “YourLastName: EC’11 student registration award application” and include:

  1. Your name, university, personal homepage, and current student status (e.g., 2nd year Ph.D. student)
  2. Whether you are a member of ACM SIGecom
  3. Any papers at EC’11 for which you are an author or co-author
  4. Any papers at an EC’11 affiliated workshop (or under review) for which you are an author or co-author
  5. Please also arrange for your academic advisor to email verification of your student status in good standing to the same two email addresses with your last name in the subject.

Applications must be submitted by Wednesday May 11, 2011. We will award the four free registrations by Friday May 13, prior to the early registration deadline of May 16.

David Pennock, Chair ACM SIGecom
Yoav Shoham, General Chair, EC’11

P.S. This was announced on April 14 on the mailing list for the ACM Special Interest Group on Electronic Commerce (SIGecom). If you missed it, you should join! 🙂